Support WCHS

Monetary Donation (PayPal)
Please use the button below to set up a recurring or one time monetary donation.



The Wexford County Historical Society and Museum is a non-profit, membership-based organization that depends on contributions from people who are passionate about historic preservation and Wexford county history — people like you.  Whether in the form of membership dues, volunteer work, monetary contributions or historical item donations, we appreciate your support. Your generosity and involvement allows us to maintain and rehabilitate the museum building and service our many community programs.


Annual Membership - When you sign up as a member of WCHS, you will receive our newsletter, free admission to the museum, advance notice of and discounted ticket prices to special events, and discounts in the museum general store.

Download MEMBERSHIP FORM (pdf)

Volunteer - With the many projects and special events going on in the museum, it's easy to find a place where your unique talents and interests can be utilized.  Meet new people, get involved in local history and enjoy the feeling that comes from volunteering time to such an important community organization!

Download VOLUNTEER FORM (pdf)

Historical Item Donations - For more information on how to make a donation of historical items relevant to Wexford County communities, please contact the museum at 231-775-1717 or Email Us


Preservation Donation:  Preserving the Carnegie Library Building - Designated a State Historical Site by the Michigan Historical Commission and listed on the National Register of Historical Places, we continue to rehabilitate, restore and preserve one of our most treasured and unique local landmarks.  In recent years we have installed new roofing material in our flat roof areas, cleaned and tuck pointed the exterior masonry on the north (rear) elevation, installed a new copper dome and aluminum skylight, banded the dome barrel to protect it from further damage, and plastered then painted the interior to return it to its original glory.

WCHS is currently raising funds toward the design and installation of an elevator/lift and a better bathroom to make the facility accessible. This building improvement will entail designing new exhibit areas and renovation of several of our other areas.

We have many more projects in the works, but cannot do this alone — we need your help.  Please consider the Wexford County Historical Society Museum when you are making your charitable contribution decisions.  Because Wexford County Historical Society is a 501(c)3 organization, your contributions are tax deductible to the extent as allowed by law.

With a Preservation Donation you can choose the type of an impact you would like to make.  The Restoration Fund is a long-term goal; the General Fund addresses immediate needs; and the Agency Endowment Fund helps support our goals into the future.  When you donate to the Agency Endowment Fund, you will also receive a 50% direct Michigan Income Tax Credit, in addition to a Federal Income Tax Deduction.

Download DONATION FORM (pdf)